1-YOGAS-you feel it is boring but it’s not buddy, it’s my experience, when i was in tenth board i was practiced yogas from 8th and it will increased my will power that is very helpful to control my mind and focusing on my study very smoothly without any anxiety.
listen-i’m not telling you, you are in board but it’s a example for me to serve you about yogas.with yoga you can leave anything in your life and achieve anything you want.
2-EXERCISE WITH GOOD DIET——Exercise is very important it will rejuvenate your body for whole day, read carefully if you are not exercising daily you feels very stress in your body and also in your mind. And with it a good diet is very important with a good plan, like you should eat your meal of a day before noon according to vedas, because it after noon the sun started to set and when sun is not, then our stomach HCL acid get weeker and and it will not digest your meal which you consume after noon.
3-POSITIVITY-Try to leave in good people which has positivity in their life, it’s not matters they are rich. Learn good thoughts daily and don’t be alone. Listen Be alone in your life is very important to know your strength and weeker side but when you need it.
4-You can take doctor’s precaution and physiologist. It also be helpful to relief your anxiety and practice it in daily life what you learn. It takes time to relief. You can go on youtube search for a good precautioners
5-SLEEP-when we were 1 to 2 years we sleeps for mor than 10 hours, it means when we grow our sleep time get low, so if you are adult sleep 7-8 hours.if we put science aside then you can try 6 hours, if feels very satisfying.
6-Stay connected to your relationships and positive social connections can help improve your mental health. You can try volunteering, getting with friends, or finding an online community.
conclusion—You must try above steps and liten your gaurdians because they have face every 95% thing which you facing right now, if you have a good gaurdian not a toxic.
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